

Your Patients Have Questions About CBD – We Ensure They’re Talking to You

We have created a physician-centric platform built on a national network of cannabinoid experts, medicine and research providing patients natural alternatives to improve their quality of life – all with you, the healthcare provider, at the core.

Subscription vs. Prescription

While medical hemp, CBD and other hemp-derived cannabinoids are federally legal in the U.S., and thus do not require a marijuana card or prescription, our company has strategically positioned healthcare professionals at the center of our CBD as a Subscription Service (CaaSS).


Your dedication to patient care through professional guidance and oversight makes the difference.

The Benefits of Joining Our
Practitioner Network


Receive accredited and continuously updated education on Endocannabinoid Science provided by Havas ECS – including CMEs and a certificate of completion.


Exclusive access to quality, professional dose CBD products developed for specific ailments & natural alternative, or adjunctive therapy, to synthetic medications.


Insight into patient outcomes and data provided by our patient population as well as access to future clinical research studies with the opportunity to partake as a co-investigator.

Our Professional Cohort

As an M.D., D.O., Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Massage Therapist, Chiropractor or Physical Therapist, you’ve dedicated yourself to patient care in specialties that may include:

Musculoskeletal, Pain Management, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Rheumatology, Podiatry, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation Medicine, Functional and Concierge Medicine, among others.

And our fully vetted, quality CBD formulary can be a part of your integrative treatment recommendations.

how it works

Step-by-Step Health Care

We’ve taken great care in putting together a network, and process, to ensure confidence in progressive CBD protocols.

Practitioners sign up with our company gaining access to our custom Products and Education, while Patients enroll with their Practitioner.


Patients consult with their Practitioner to discuss their personal situation and interest in using our professional grade CBD products.

Product Selection

Together Practitioner and Patient select the appropriate product from our Product Formulary that is then shipped directly to the Patient.


Patient progress is tracked and monitored for efficacy and results.

Learn More About Our
Practitioner Network & Products

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